Position Title
Principal Consultant
- Storywalkers Consulting Group
Mark Simon is a writer, convener and social impact consultant with more than 20 years’ experience in social service, government, public education and faith-based organizations. Since forming Storywalkers Consulting in 2004, Mark has helped organizations raise money, clarify vision, sharpen leadership and articulate their stories. He brings his mix of dynamic facilitation, participatory planning and stakeholder engagement to nonprofit agencies across California and the U.S.
Mark has a passion for engaging groups of people in extended, democratic and often complex planning and learning processes. These experiences take multiple forms, including communities of practice, formal collaborative networks and regional or national consortia. When facilitating groups, attention is always placed on broad inclusion, cultural humility and the shaping of clear agreements.
Mark’s success is based on a deep commitment to listening, reflection and inclusion. In recent years he has designed and led communities of practice for the UC Davis School of Medicine and College of Biological Sciences. Prior to launching Storywalkers, Mark taught high school social studies, developed the NeighborWoods program for the Sacramento Tree Foundation and founded the Knights Landing Family Resource Center. For the past 25 years Mark has called Davis, California home, along with his wife, three grown boys and two boisterous Australian shepherds.