Aggie Launch Collective Banner
The Aggie Launch Collective

Together, we are building the fleet to help initiate and facilitate ongoing stewardship, coordination, and oversight for the implementation of Aggie Launch.

About the Aggie Launch Collective (ALC)

Phase 1

Throughout the Fall and Winter Quarters 2020-2021, the inaugural members of the Aggie Launch Collective (ALC) participated in a series of conversations, akin to a community of practice and facilitated by the Core Leadership Team (CLT), to identify and formulate the resources, partnerships, and strategic investments necessary to permanently establish the Aggie Launch Collective and mobilize the broader campus community.
In addition to participating in monthly conversations, ALC members also met in smaller working groups to collaborate on specific areas of focus that are key to the successful implementation of Aggie Launch. In April of, each working group presented its series of recommendations to campus at the Aggie Launch Collective Culminating Event. The Culminating Event marked the end of Phase 1 of the ALC. During the summer of 2021, the Core Leadership Team re-formulated the ALC’s recommendations into 9 bodies of work, and invited ALC members and the wider UC Davis professional community to re-engage in the work of “Phase 2.”

Phase 2

In the fall of 2021, the ALC re-constituted with many original members and some new ones to form 9 Implementation Teams corresponding to the bodies of work identified by the CLT over the previous summer. Each Implementation Team is led by 2 co-captains. Captains meet on a monthly basis at the “Captain’s Roundtable” to coordinate efforts across the initiative. The Aggie Launch Collective is now building implementation strategies to put Aggie Launch into action. At the same time, the Core Leadership Team is leading engagement with the Academic Senate and Academic Federation, laying the groundwork to support faculty as they work to integrate Aggie Launch into classroom experiences for students. Click the icons above to learn more about the current membership of the ALC, and the various areas of focus being pursued by the working groups.