Aggie Launch is one of six Big Ideas selected as flagship UC Davis priorities. Together, the Big Ideas align with the university’s strategic plan and highlight the breadth of expertise at UC Davis.
To launch the next generation of professionals, UC Davis is looking to partner with donors, corporations and foundations to accomplish the following:
Implement comprehensive career-preparation programs across UC Davis, tailored by area of study and academic year;
Support internships, co-ops, and other forms of experiential learning that are critical to student empowerment and defining future career opportunities; and
Invest in technology and staff expertise to integrate professional development into every student’s experience.
We invite supporters to join UC Davis is our commitment to preparing all Aggies for optimal post-graduation outcomes. With the partnership of our alumni and friends, Aggie Launch will empower all students to embark on meaningful professional paths—while revolutionizing higher education’s standards for ensuring undergraduate success.